UX Methods


Below is a list of several UX methodologies that you can use in your UX strategy.
More are constantly being added, so keep checking back.

A/B Tests

Affinity Diagrams


Card Sorting

A robot taking notes on a laptop while a person talks to it.

ChatGPT Analysis of a Research Interview

Competitive Analysis

Contextual Inquiries

A woman in a casual outfit taking pictures with a disposable camera.

Cultural Probes

Discovery Sessions

A template of an Empathy Map

Empathy Maps

Information Architecture

A chalkboard that says "Customer Journey Map" on it, accompanied by some chalk drawings.

Journey Maps

Paper Prototypes

A man and woman rapid prototyping on papers attached to the wall.

Rapid Prototyping

Surveys (Qualitative)

Surveys (Quantitative)

Usability Tests

Usability Tests (Qualitative)

Usability Tests (Quantitative)

The URQBS (erk-you-biss)

User Research Interviews

A man checking his phone while standing next to his bike.

User Scenarios

UX Strategy
